Supporting individuals with additional needs
and their families to fully participate in the life of the Church.
Unlimited is for individuals with a variety of unique circumstances ranging from mental and behavioral health needs to developmental disabilities.
Each Thursday, Unlimited offers services to students with unique needs during the 7pm service and supports students with special needs at Awana. On Sunday mornings, the sensory rooms are open during the 10:45 service, and buddies are on hand to connect with students. Unlimited also offers respite nights for parents to share an evening out as their children with — and without — special needs enjoy activities at our church.
If you are interested in serving, want more information about this ministry, or know a family who could benefit from Unlimited, email us (below). One of our staff members will conduct a brief interview with the family to be sure that we can best meet the unique needs of each child.
To have an evangelistic impact on the special needs community through proactive outreach making the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ accessible to people of all abilities in fulfillment of the Great Commission
(Matt 28:19)
To equip people with disabilities and their families to become full participants and contributors in the body of Christ
(1 Cor 12:27)
The services of Unlimited ministry may be requested by the individual themselves, the family of the individual, or the ministry leader(s) serving the individual. For the purpose of Unlimited, the terms “additional needs”, “special needs”, and “disability” encompasses a broad range of unique needs, including, but not limited to: learning differences, intellectual disability, neurological disorders, developmental delays, communication disorders, social skills deficits, physical disabilities, sensory needs, and medical conditions. A student experiencing a sudden life change may also benefit from the services of Unlimited for a period of time. Understanding why a particular student requires the services of the ministry is often unimportant. What is important is that Unlimited is able to provide the assistance in order to help individuals with special needs find success in the church setting. Unlimited ministry does not provide therapy, behavior modification programs, or medical intervention. To the best of our abilities, our ministry team will strive to follow guidance from and utilize tools provided by parents. Medical assistance will be provided in emergency situations.
At Pathway, our vision is for all children to feel welcome, loved and cared for inside our walls, regardless of special needs or developmental levels. And we also strive to bless parents of special needs kids with love, support and an occasional night to themselves. That’s why we host several Respite Nights throughout the year, where parents of children with special needs leave their kids — both those with and without special needs — at Pathway Church and enjoy an evening out. If you would like to have your child(ren) attend our next Respite Night, click on the tab below to fill out our registration form. If this will be their first time joining us, we will contact you for a brief interview to learn how we can best serve your child. If you have questions or have in interest in volunteering, email us here.